My friend Homer passed the bar exam! Im happy for him genuinely.

We met during college where we’ve been part of our barkada we called “Kanlungan”. We connected through music basically from different genres.., from Linkin Park to Eraserheads, Rivermaya, Beatles, Third Eye Blind, Oasis, Vertical Horizon, Bamboo and many others. I remembered how we would analyze every lyrics and how did the writer came up to such good lyrics. (its good to recall!)

Back then we were concerned about not wanting mediocrities and how we feel we belong in the world we found on our own. We can talk about almost everything under the sun. Our life struggles, our passion. Newfound ideas and friends and their different impact in our lives were discussed. We both talked about the love of our lives and how we both lost and accepted it. I admit that he’d made a huge part of helping me find myself over long talks, tambays with yosi and drinks. Through those talks we answered some life questions that we were too embarrassed to talk about with others. Even if we lost touch for some time, we still managed to meet every now and then and talk about our current endeavors and battles, somehow after those talks we were able to find ourselves and get back in our track again.

Right now, I’m trying to ponder more over the things that we did and talked about, but it’s just too many and I cant think of any particular conversation. But I can’t help but smile remembering the years of relentless and unconscious clinging to the friendship and loyalty.

Well what can I say to the person who introduced me to blogging?? Isn’t it just right that I write about him as a present? Haha! Well after all the hardships,, I just feel an overflowing gratitude of knowing a guy like him who is likely to be so rational in deciding or doing things (but he tends to be impulsive and emotional at times, hehe!). Who is often cold but warm at the same time (yes you are!). The one who has a weird hand gestures whenever he’s trying to make a point – and he doesn’t stop till he made it (super lawyer-type!). The one who is a kind of narcissist but doesn’t admit it. The one who has his own version of sincerity. The one who is loyal, and doesn’t judge especially when I tell him to.

Though after all that happened in those crazy years, I’m glad to say that we created some good things on our own… well gradually. It was never easy. I was able to witness his persistence during CPA board exams, which gave him nothing but heartache. His lost friendships, his struggle to fit in. coz though you can see him as a tough cold man, inside is a delicate boy, filled with dreams.

It’s a new chapter of your life now! We hardly meet and talk now, and I know I’ll be expecting less and less of that in the coming days. So I guess just have to say it here. I’m so proud of you! Rest assured that I’d still be your fan. If you get bored again reading your thick books., just call me, tsikahan tayo!

“Madj I’m happy at last! J*naks*

“If we are stars adrift in nothingness, never think that your spark is worthless amidst the billion others.. because somewhere, somehow, someone is thankful for your light. You should know I am! ^_^” 11-13-08

May all your dreams come true!

Currently Playing: In My Life by Beatles, Deep Inside of Me by TEB, Good Riddance by Green Day, Drive by Incubus and Landslide by Fleetwood Mac